Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Easter!

*~Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter~*

The ball game had ended and as we were out late shopping for dinner meats, yes dinner meats, everyone came to the agreement that church service would be held at Casa De Gardner; this meant sleeping in and staying in our feetie pajamas! Hooray! Our grocery list of meats was long! Our instructions: to get a smorgasbord so big that it could feed an army, but so grand that kings would come to feast! Dad is a phenomenal Grill master, there was no mere hot dog or regular cookout fair on his smoker. No, instead fajitas sizzled on the hot iron, ribs slathered in bone suckin' sauce bathed in the heat of the grill fire until the meat fell from the bone! Chicken wings crackled as they crisped to perfection, and really I could go on and on about the other delicacies like his rich smoked bologna! But that is all later in the evening, in the party to come, first we must start with the morning! When I tredged happily into the kitchen for my standard cup a' joe (prior the caffeine ban) I saw it! The Easter Bunny both crafty and stealthy had struck in the night! Each basket was perfectly placed at each child's special chair; how does he know?! They were beautiful, and overflowed with not just candy, but giftcards, various bobbles that made little Beccas eyes light up, and beautiful intricately designed pop-up books! It is all that's what in the world of pop-up books! You're just simply not a book anymore if you don't pop up! Titles like Peter Pan, The Velveteen Rabbit, and The Wizard of Oz were present bursting with the promise to spark our children's imaginations! The candy, of course, was a huge hit! Everyone had their favorite sweet that they tore into with swift fingers and smiles on their faces, for Joshua it was a puffy chick Marshmallow pop covered in sugar granuals! 

which...HE LOVED! He was covered in sugar granuals too by the end of this photo shoot! A wardrobe change was needed..."Hair, makeup! let's get a team down here people!" We're gonna make this star *SHINE* "Perfect, great job team, he looks just lets install the sky cam; que the crow!"
Sky cam in place, and positioned next to the first egg!

There he is Ready for the Easter Egg Hunt!!

"And Action! Get in their and make this good guys, we've only got one shot at this, and I want it to be the money shot!"   

 I am Joshua! Here me roar! Look at the intensity, the battle cry of the hunt "RAAR" Look at his sharp teeth meant to intimidate the competition, and that hair; His arena name is surely Joshuas Aurelis Mohawkasis! 

Those days spent training really paid off and Joshua was a natural about grabbing his own Easter eggs! He seemed most interested in the colors akin to the attire he was sporting; the brightest hues of yellow and orange must have glistened in the sun like shining beacons of treasure for him to find! He, selflessly forfeited eggs for the others, and instead got caught up in the whimsy of it all rolling around in the cool green grass, basking in the warmth of sunshine, and when it was all over and done indulging in his first chocolate confection; a creamy milky kiss that was almost swallowed whole! Becca on the other hand took off like seabiscuit! She collected more eggs than anyone, but still the prize egg eluded her tiny grasp! Ryan, believe it or not, who casually picked up a single egg hit the Jackpot! Our event was a success, and everyone came inside happily; Joshua was riding the wave of a sugar high still in a haze with chocolatey drool dripping down his chin, Becca had begun taking inventory of her mountain of candy, and Ryan was filling her wallet! Joshua decided to work through his buzz by playing on the carpet with his new toys, and then climbing the entire staircase! ...HE WISHES! He only got away with four steps, take a look at these exerpt:

Joshua's mastered those stairs, he's the stair master!! Ohh boy he's figuring things out to quickly, before I know it he'll be walking and it'll be all over but the cryin! By this time it was late in the afternoon, preparations for the cookout had begun, and half the neighborhood was preparing for our shindig! Both gorgeous and equally yummy dishes were lined up outside as the neighbors arrived; ribs slathered in bone suckin sauce, pound cake covered in white clouds of whip and strawberries, and my very own carved watermelon basket to name a few! That's right hunny I carved a watermelon into an Easter Basket! This was a result of boredom and a surge of creativity hehe! We talked, drank (thank you to Janis for your wonderful bay breezes! And thank you Michelobe for your ultra delicious beer beverages!) and ate to the backround of Joshuas favorite, country music, late into the evening! The night was ended with full bellies, and the good company of family and new friends! All and all it was a great Easter! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Take me out to the Ball game!"

Once there was this girl, she decided to write a blog for her husband over seas, and then...she got really behind in the writting department! Needless to say this girl had a Crrazy life, and would need to really be in the mood to write just to catch up on all those happenings! Well today, I.AM.IN.THE.MOOD. Bring it on, just liken me to a writing machine! I am a virtual type writter!

On to the last two "To Do's" on Joshua's very important to do list! He has been a busy busy little bee, buzzing here, and there, and everywhere, very cutely might I add! He is just tickled by the excitement of it all...well you would be excited too on a morning so very special as this one; where brightly colored dies in porceline white cups lined the table *POP*-ING out at him! And what is that bucket of about a dozen beautiful clean white eggs for mom? How about those crayons, over there? Is the yellow one mine? What is that orangey one called...OoOoh peeea-ch...gimmie. When coloring Easter eggs is even a treasured pastime for adults you can only imagine the frenzy of emotions such an activity whips up for an almost 9 month old! The tools for decorating a mountain of eggs were all there, and by a happy coincidence the fantastic four, me, Becks, Ry Ry, and the babela, had them all to ourselves! Joshua's egg reminded me of a prehistoric dinosaur trying to hatch! He colored it yellow, and drew LARGE "cracks" all over it! We made one patriotic egg, wiith a few personal touches :smirk for daddy too! 
Front-xbox controller!

Back- Donut!
Can't forget my mom!

I <3 U!

There were other artfully crafted eggies too, alas they died horribly! They were peeled and chopped, remains scattered over the leafy greens of gourmet lunch salads made to satisfy the grumbling tummy's of the mommy giants at home...Eggies your sacrifice was great, it will not be forgotten! As Rachael Ray would say "YUM-OH!"
We were twins, Joshua was wearing his team uniform too!!
After we made our eggs that day Joshua and I accompanied Becca and Ryann to the A-teams baseball game! I still have much to learn in the way of baseball, like certain key terms to deposit into the ol' knowledge bank. For example fly ball, see also heads up VERY important term to know it's meaning is actually one of highly stressed urgency meant to alert the audience to DUCK AND COVER! Oh the drama, the uproar of screaming fans cheering their home team on! It was enough to send Joshua into a stupor in my arms. Curled up like a sweet little ball he fell asleep halfway through the second game :) His contortion act had me legitimately worried for his body sake, as if it would crush like a tin can, so I foolishly tried to nudge him upward, and broke a silence in the crowd with cries most audible to every onlooker!....Have ya ever wished you could rewind time??.....Anyway he snapped out of his grumpy frame of mind and caught his uncle James making an UNBELIEVABLE catch that put our team way ahead for a sweeping victory! What an athlete! I hope my boy gets those genes!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Brighter than sunshine/ A day out with Mommy

Here Daddy I got these for you!
Last time we spoke the subject of conversation happened to be items on Joshua's To Do list.
First Easter Candy:
I've got to say, the Easter spirit has been alive in me this year, most recently on a trip to Cracker Barrel where I became overwhelmed with the need to buy Joshua his first Easter candy in their old fashioned candy store! The shelves that towered high on the walls were filled end to end with sparkling Rock candies, Rainbow colored fruit jellies, and candies wrapped up in silver tinfoil and the nostalgia of various decades! Beneath those shelves, I gushed with glee over choices far too ambitious for a 9 month old, but still tempting to look at: Oversized lollies that were round, tall, or twisted! Fortunately I had some guidance from one more sane than I hehe...Grams helped me select one for Joshua. A perfect choice too. There in a small glass jar were sticks of what looked like sugar glass, and on the wrapper written in cursive were the words Tutti Frutti. :) When I took Joshua to the park for a day with Mommy, we unwrapped it together:
Along with his first sugar rush of the season "little man" as dad soo affectionately calls him picked out EGGBERT. EGGBERT is a fluffy bright yellow chick (not surprising right babe <3) that cheaps "Easter is eggcelent!" Joshua grabbed him off the shelf and drooled ALL over his face; a pretty effective way to make your parent purchase an item. The salesman didn't miss the chance to shoot me a "you're purchasing that right MOM?!" look. ::smile: Joshua loves Eggbert so it's fine with me.
So my little guy has been having nothing but fun this spring! He doesn't even like to nod off anymore, I think for fear that he might miss something very important! "OH NO!" His days have been filled with egg hunts in anticipation of Easter, as well as rolls in the grass, getting dirty, warm spring sunshine, and cool Tennessee breeze I can't imagine a better life for him at the moment! Maybe one with ALOT more sleep in the evening, but that's more for me ::smile:: I love to take him outside and shoot him (with my camera...what kind of mother am I!? Honestly. :shakes head:) The simplest of activities are still so new to him, making it absolutely wonderful to capture those moments in a snap shot! Mere seconds with him in the grass can turn into mega bites of memories! And, if I do say so myself, my Joshua is film worthy, he is candidly so cute; as babies often are....then again he is quickly becoming a "not-baby" he'll be my little toddler before I know it. In the meantime I get to see him like this...

Where for art tho Easter Bunny? there some sort of resemblance?? 

As you can see Tennessee has been lovely :) Then one morning I woke up wanting a day out with my little guy just us two! The little man and I packed a picnic! We had a few goodies to choose from; Joshuas baby num nums Banana flavored, white lychee pear tea, (Trop 50 you do it right :wink: aaand a <3) and his first candy! Then we were off! Now we journeyed to what we were told was the park, but ended up somewhere much more magnificent! A land where junior titans conquered swaying rock walls, braved giant slides, and rode on boy sized frogs! Joshua and I thrilled at the sight, dove into adventure! My little man set foot on the sands of this play wonderland and became much more than baby he Joshua conqueror of rock walls! MASTER CLIMBER EXTRORDINARE!  He took chances, even risked the swings, and enjoyed everything! So did I :D....

<3 "Let's swing to the moon Dad, to the moooon!" <3

Look at my guy! That swing technique is PERFECT, he's a natural :) That day was great, he took up climbing, sliding, and swinging; He even made a friend at the swing set! They had their own little conversation in baby talk cooing and sounding off about the Ush (pronounced you-zhh). Oh you know using a straw, turning one, all that's cool in babyhood! It was ADORABLE, i'm soo happy to see that Joshua is a socialite, he just looooves people his size! After the park we had a small stop at the book store to scope out the Easter selection! Turns out Joshua is very into the pop ups and flip-and-finds! The Easter Bunny might have been notified of said interests hehehe! After a fun filled day we returned home, I parked the car in the front of the house, and walked around to open Joshuas door where I found him sleeping like this <3...As Grams would say "little angel" with an endearing lull in her voice.

The sun had not yet set on...Que the music!...Joshuas big adventure!! Dun da nah naaah! He and I took a little nap together all snuggly and cozy, my absolute favorite way to nap :) We rested up, and when we awoke we were pleased to hear of a family outting to Carrabbas, "You have fifteen minutes..." PANIC! This was surprisingly easy to accomplish it seems I have inherited those highly coveted mom super powers, I can do anything! EVEN shower, get dressed, and look fabulous in 15 minutes! The boys traveled in one vehical, the girls in another; we figured it would be safer what with dads need for speed! He's got Mustangitis! Joshua tried the home made minestrone, my little italian! Slurped up every bite! We had a blast as always, and then came home completely tuckered out, to snooze soundly! This was Joshua after a full night of extremely good sleep...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just when I thought I'd covered everything...

I remember about the very important tooth cake that Ms. Becca Gardner earned for her bravery in the Great Extraction! (Tooth pulling) Such a brave little soldier, like her brother Josh! I believe dads exact words were, "Now that's a cake!" and how! Two tiers of sprinkle studded Funfetti fluff bread (it was so light), frosted with rich chocolate heav-en, and by request studded with BRIGHT RED polka dots and rainbow Jelly Beans! Mmmm, Jeally Beans which I repeatedly plucked off the top in secret ::smile::
Taaa daa! What do you think? It's a beauty! I know I know! We each saw something different in the cake: To Rebecca it was a brightly colored clown head, Ryan thought it looked like a house to some tiny gnome, and I thought it was an elaborately decorated was supposed to be a giant cupcake! lol But it's better this way as a mighty morphin power cake, with the super power to be anything in the eyes of it's beholder! Becca already has another loose tooth, that she is holding for ransom in exchange for rice krispie treats! What have we created?!

The twins had a visit from the tooth fairy this week also; Supernatural style! It was pretty grim, They went to the dentist: James had 4 teeth pulled, and Justin had two. I know because, they SHOWED them to me. Can you believe that?! BIG honkin rooted goobers with blood stains and everything! Who keeps a goodybag of teeth?! I almost ralphed!... Mom wanted me to take a picture for you Josh...thank God they threw them out already, phew! 
In other news Joshua has met some peretty big milestones in the last week alone! Would you like to see?!? Of course you would! BUT i'm unable to upload 1 minute long videos, sorry! lol NO really, it's frusterating, and i'm looking into finding another blog, but in the mean time videos will be postponed...don't cry, i'll just e-mail you Josh! Mmmwa! Joshua has begun to talk! He started with mama, (yaay!), and then dada, and now the two words have mingled into a happy singsong of his, which I am happy to listen to as he plays throughout the day. Along with talking Joshua has mastered the sit-up, and he has begun to....STAND! That's right stand! An early accomplishment at not even nine months, one that brought a joyful tear to this mom's eye, and a break out ballad of "Oh beautiful for spacious skies!" He stood up under the American Flag, so it just seemed appropriate...Myyy little patriot, that was for you daddy, obviously. ::smirk:: He is progressively becoming more aware of his strength and body, and I am hopeful he will be FULL ON walking by Easter! Let the chase begin!
Easter is quickly coming upon us, and the weather is so perfectly springtime, that it seems the holiday is really ushering in the season! Much like the distinguished Mr. E.B. my Joshua has been extremely busy making preparations for Sunday! His to do list:
Try on a suitable pair of "Ear-moofs"
Find an Easter Basket
Run several practice Easter egg hunts side note (Excel in this!) hehe
Have some good ol' fashioned fun with Aunts and Uncles :)
Try first Easter Candy
Obtain first Easter basket!

Let's see how he has faired so far...
Are these REALLY necessary ladies? 
Well if you insist...let me turn it on! ::SMILE::
Ear-moofs ~ CHECK! Cuteness double check! I mean could he be any darn cuter, I know i'm his mom, but I don't think so! We found this amazing headgear on a late night shopping spree at Kroger! I love Kroger, and I love late night shopping, especially when it is for SUPER important Easter provisions like Becca's Easter Basket! Really I could live at the grocery store hehehe, so any excuse! Becca scored a pretty window pained basket colored with bright hues of pink and purple, and decorated with elaborate easter eggs! It was the biggest one because we mean business round these parts when it comes to egg huntin'! Joshua didn't need a basket from the store; he was sent a beautiful basket from GiGi over the weekend- hand sown brown and blue with bunny ears and a sweet puff for a cotton tail, perfect :)...My boy did have his eye on a few choice items for his Easter basket though! We will just have to wait and see if E.B. brings him anything special!! 

Becca with Joshua's Easter Basket and his bunny blanket!
Joshua and Becca put their baskets to good use in the Annual Church egg hunt! What an event! Here is the low down/breakdown: Mc-e-dee's, Captain D's, Famous Daves, and the best one GiGi's cupcakes were all big contributors, over fourteen thousand Easter eggs were hidden, and eggs were filled to the brim with goodies from soup to nuts! Candy, chocolate, free kids meals, ice cream coupons, cute little temp tattoos you name it they had it! When the music started and the announcer said "GO" the kids went wild! It was SO  fun! The land was picked over in abouut a minute...just enough time for Joshua and I to get a basket full :) It's times like these that our baby carrier comes in handy! The small things seem to make a parent truely happy; crawling through the grass scooping up eggs, Joshua reaching for them and putting them in his own "basket" his mouth, wide eyed the whole time being in the middle of the action, children and colored eggs everywhere! I'll never forget it...There may have been as many egg thirsty kids as there were eggs themselves; I couldn't be more excited that this year Joshua was one of them. We are truely blessed! 

Just then, as we emerged from the grass celebratory of the eggs we'd just scavenged, the sky turned dark, dark as rough waters in a sea faring storm; she opened up and rained down her fury upon the children! yes it  WAS this dramatic, just take my word, I was there! As I was narrating... RAINED down her furry upon them! Mom, the kids, and I all banded together looking for an escape route, and safe cover! Now we both drive SUV'S, and it was hailing at this point; think about how much fun it was to get our cars out of a packed park field, and drive over to the coveted Sonic save haven! I guess we are gluttons for punishment, because we waited it out looking over our winnings, and the various free coupons collected, none of them sonic coupons of course ::chuckle::...then...we went back for more! Let me tell you something about small children: they are dedicated Easter egg hunters! Kids endure anything for candy. PERIOD. Basically the only big kids that stayed for the second hunt were Justin and James, and that wasn't by the beginning...ahhh you know you guys loved it! I saw you edged up over that flag line, their was hunger in your eyes! Allow me to show you what came of the second race! 

Oh yeaaaaah! Joshua discovered an elusive prize egg, and right outta the gate! "My little mannis!" Proud Mama, comin' through! The Gardner's have attended this event five years running and never found one! As far as we knew they were folklore, mere stories used to lure kids back time and time again....WELP, Joshua you made our dreams come true! Our egg directed us over a narrow bridge and treacherous ravine, a path so obviously meant for a worthy victor! ::wink: No matter Joshua courageously led us over to collect our bounty! 

Our bounty included: Yahtzee, a free Dominos pizza made ANY way you liked, a liter of Sprite, and this cute kid, oh wait...Joshua! Get outta the basket before someone else tries to win you! Silly! I'm gonna skip ahead a beat, and tell you that the kids and I spent the day together while mom and dad went out on a well deserved outing just the two of them! We went ahead and spent our domino's certificate and had a pizza party! Of course I dialed Domino's up first to inquire about this "ANY" pizzas perimeters...guess what?! There were none! A meeting was called at once to discuss this important matter; after putting our heads together we decided on an X-TRA large with pepperoni and just to test domino's word added hamburger on two slices for Justin, THEY DID IT....we were having a hard time grasping the concept of anything, ANYTHING on your pizza! After we ordered our wonder pizza Ryann and I shared a laugh over the endless possibilities; pepperoni heart, Pepperoni American Flag, A completely customized pie with something different on each slice! Next year ::head nod:: We enjoyed every last bite, then took Joshua outside in the warm sunshine, and played some hoop! It was a great afternoon, and I can't wait for Summer to begin so we can spend afternoons at the pool!

Back to our Sunday in the park I'd like to share some pictures really, just because i'm writting a blog, not a book :)....

Mr. E.B.!!!
Maybe he was lucky?!

This was my FIRE ROCK filled with food!
All of those people, and that was only in Joshua's age group! Gah-lee it was SUCH a blast! Thank you Jackie for being such a wonderful mother to me, and including me fully in your life, I really feel like part of the family; something that helps me get by every day that Josh is on his "business trip" ::wink:: Our day concluded at Amigos, a restaurant trip that is becoming a weekend tradition :) I braved something new on the menu... FYI it's ok to play it safe with Mexican food! YIKES...And that is Grams loving on Joshua, gotta love the moments when you think noone is looking aaand snap! A grandmothers pure affection for her grandbaby <3