Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Easter!

*~Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter~*

The ball game had ended and as we were out late shopping for dinner meats, yes dinner meats, everyone came to the agreement that church service would be held at Casa De Gardner; this meant sleeping in and staying in our feetie pajamas! Hooray! Our grocery list of meats was long! Our instructions: to get a smorgasbord so big that it could feed an army, but so grand that kings would come to feast! Dad is a phenomenal Grill master, there was no mere hot dog or regular cookout fair on his smoker. No, instead fajitas sizzled on the hot iron, ribs slathered in bone suckin' sauce bathed in the heat of the grill fire until the meat fell from the bone! Chicken wings crackled as they crisped to perfection, and really I could go on and on about the other delicacies like his rich smoked bologna! But that is all later in the evening, in the party to come, first we must start with the morning! When I tredged happily into the kitchen for my standard cup a' joe (prior the caffeine ban) I saw it! The Easter Bunny both crafty and stealthy had struck in the night! Each basket was perfectly placed at each child's special chair; how does he know?! They were beautiful, and overflowed with not just candy, but giftcards, various bobbles that made little Beccas eyes light up, and beautiful intricately designed pop-up books! It is all that's what in the world of pop-up books! You're just simply not a book anymore if you don't pop up! Titles like Peter Pan, The Velveteen Rabbit, and The Wizard of Oz were present bursting with the promise to spark our children's imaginations! The candy, of course, was a huge hit! Everyone had their favorite sweet that they tore into with swift fingers and smiles on their faces, for Joshua it was a puffy chick Marshmallow pop covered in sugar granuals! 

which...HE LOVED! He was covered in sugar granuals too by the end of this photo shoot! A wardrobe change was needed..."Hair, makeup! let's get a team down here people!" We're gonna make this star *SHINE* "Perfect, great job team, he looks just lets install the sky cam; que the crow!"
Sky cam in place, and positioned next to the first egg!

There he is Ready for the Easter Egg Hunt!!

"And Action! Get in their and make this good guys, we've only got one shot at this, and I want it to be the money shot!"   

 I am Joshua! Here me roar! Look at the intensity, the battle cry of the hunt "RAAR" Look at his sharp teeth meant to intimidate the competition, and that hair; His arena name is surely Joshuas Aurelis Mohawkasis! 

Those days spent training really paid off and Joshua was a natural about grabbing his own Easter eggs! He seemed most interested in the colors akin to the attire he was sporting; the brightest hues of yellow and orange must have glistened in the sun like shining beacons of treasure for him to find! He, selflessly forfeited eggs for the others, and instead got caught up in the whimsy of it all rolling around in the cool green grass, basking in the warmth of sunshine, and when it was all over and done indulging in his first chocolate confection; a creamy milky kiss that was almost swallowed whole! Becca on the other hand took off like seabiscuit! She collected more eggs than anyone, but still the prize egg eluded her tiny grasp! Ryan, believe it or not, who casually picked up a single egg hit the Jackpot! Our event was a success, and everyone came inside happily; Joshua was riding the wave of a sugar high still in a haze with chocolatey drool dripping down his chin, Becca had begun taking inventory of her mountain of candy, and Ryan was filling her wallet! Joshua decided to work through his buzz by playing on the carpet with his new toys, and then climbing the entire staircase! ...HE WISHES! He only got away with four steps, take a look at these exerpt:

Joshua's mastered those stairs, he's the stair master!! Ohh boy he's figuring things out to quickly, before I know it he'll be walking and it'll be all over but the cryin! By this time it was late in the afternoon, preparations for the cookout had begun, and half the neighborhood was preparing for our shindig! Both gorgeous and equally yummy dishes were lined up outside as the neighbors arrived; ribs slathered in bone suckin sauce, pound cake covered in white clouds of whip and strawberries, and my very own carved watermelon basket to name a few! That's right hunny I carved a watermelon into an Easter Basket! This was a result of boredom and a surge of creativity hehe! We talked, drank (thank you to Janis for your wonderful bay breezes! And thank you Michelobe for your ultra delicious beer beverages!) and ate to the backround of Joshuas favorite, country music, late into the evening! The night was ended with full bellies, and the good company of family and new friends! All and all it was a great Easter! 

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