Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Take me out to the Ball game!"

Once there was this girl, she decided to write a blog for her husband over seas, and then...she got really behind in the writting department! Needless to say this girl had a Crrazy life, and would need to really be in the mood to write just to catch up on all those happenings! Well today, I.AM.IN.THE.MOOD. Bring it on, just liken me to a writing machine! I am a virtual type writter!

On to the last two "To Do's" on Joshua's very important to do list! He has been a busy busy little bee, buzzing here, and there, and everywhere, very cutely might I add! He is just tickled by the excitement of it all...well you would be excited too on a morning so very special as this one; where brightly colored dies in porceline white cups lined the table *POP*-ING out at him! And what is that bucket of about a dozen beautiful clean white eggs for mom? How about those crayons, over there? Is the yellow one mine? What is that orangey one called...OoOoh peeea-ch...gimmie. When coloring Easter eggs is even a treasured pastime for adults you can only imagine the frenzy of emotions such an activity whips up for an almost 9 month old! The tools for decorating a mountain of eggs were all there, and by a happy coincidence the fantastic four, me, Becks, Ry Ry, and the babela, had them all to ourselves! Joshua's egg reminded me of a prehistoric dinosaur trying to hatch! He colored it yellow, and drew LARGE "cracks" all over it! We made one patriotic egg, wiith a few personal touches :smirk for daddy too! 
Front-xbox controller!

Back- Donut!
Can't forget my mom!

I <3 U!

There were other artfully crafted eggies too, alas they died horribly! They were peeled and chopped, remains scattered over the leafy greens of gourmet lunch salads made to satisfy the grumbling tummy's of the mommy giants at home...Eggies your sacrifice was great, it will not be forgotten! As Rachael Ray would say "YUM-OH!"
We were twins, Joshua was wearing his team uniform too!!
After we made our eggs that day Joshua and I accompanied Becca and Ryann to the A-teams baseball game! I still have much to learn in the way of baseball, like certain key terms to deposit into the ol' knowledge bank. For example fly ball, see also heads up VERY important term to know it's meaning is actually one of highly stressed urgency meant to alert the audience to DUCK AND COVER! Oh the drama, the uproar of screaming fans cheering their home team on! It was enough to send Joshua into a stupor in my arms. Curled up like a sweet little ball he fell asleep halfway through the second game :) His contortion act had me legitimately worried for his body sake, as if it would crush like a tin can, so I foolishly tried to nudge him upward, and broke a silence in the crowd with cries most audible to every onlooker!....Have ya ever wished you could rewind time??.....Anyway he snapped out of his grumpy frame of mind and caught his uncle James making an UNBELIEVABLE catch that put our team way ahead for a sweeping victory! What an athlete! I hope my boy gets those genes!

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