Thursday, March 22, 2012

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As I am finishing up one post, i'm writting another! This a fast paced change for Joshua and I, one that we love!
Goodbyes are tough. You find yourself holding onto the little things to make your days brighter. "Hey baby, it's me...uhh love both of you. I'm gettin' on a plane, and I'll talk to you guys when I can. Thanks for everything. Love you. Bye." 3/15/12 The last message saved in my phone. The one I play everyday <3 I doubt Josh knew it would mean as much to me as it does, but I am glad to have it in moments where I need a pick me up! And Joshua is glad to hear daddy say I love you everyday! There is soo much of Joshua's father here; in this family, in paw paw, in this house too! You're presence is vivid in the memories we made in visits over the years Josh!  I find myself smiling often instead of crying :)
Along with looking fondly on past memories, comes the making of new exciting ones! One in particular, pretty big news, Ryann got her drivers license!! She's celebrating this Friday by driving Jackie and some friends to see the Hunger Games! I'm soo excited for her, now she gets to cart our butts around everywhere! lol Congratulations Ryann ;) I may get to go see a movie this weekend as well, a prospect that is thrilling! That would make my weekend! I read all the Hunger Games books in less than a week so it's safe to say that would be my pick!! I'll let you know how that goes! All of the kids are really hitting their coming of age milestones! With everything Joshua does though we have to make sure he isn't getting into trouble! Lol A weird mix of emotions ensue! Fear mixed with pride befell me when he sat himself up and then fell backwards towards the floor! Don't worry I was belly diving to catch him before Jackie even finished saying "Jessica!" THANK GOD Then there are the moments that are just pure joy; Joshua tasting a real orange from an actual slice, licking a sherbert push pop, and going crazy over the flavors, and my favorite he is saying mama!!! <3 Next up is walking! Videos and pictures coming soon!

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