Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Journey home!

Journey- A traveling of one place to another, usually taking a rather LONG time!
Long- Having considerable duration in time!
UNDERSTATEMENT- To represent as less than is the case!
Enough said. ::smirk::

How would you measure a day in your life? Would you take the literal approach; with hours...or would you measure time out in something more personal? I can't help but thinking of one of my favorite authors, T.S. Elliot, who wrote "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons." Simple, yet poignant.
I don't know if it's even POSSIBLE to even convey a proper image of the last two days but let me give it a shot...A little amateur hour poetry ::ahem::...I have measured out this day with espresso shots, with winding roads and mountain tops, with heartfelt talks shared with my mom, Joshua's crying two hours long, 3 pit stops; each woke the baby, thanks alot Jackie you crazy lady! My first cheerwine cherry and cool, after I peed out a swimming pool...YIKES! Eleven hours went flying by! We had some laughs we didn't die! I thought we might but we pushed through, Panera Bread dinner to the rescue! I counted a smile and hug from dad, and several SLOOOOW minutes of unpacking bags! Tennessee's my home at last, thank you Jackie I had a blast! 
I arrived at Chateau Gardner two days ago, and PASSED OUT lulled to sleep by the smell of the freshly laundered blankets that toppled over me in waves of down comfort! Ahhhh HEAVEN! Talk about rolling out the red carpet, just like i'm sure they did for you Josh ;) I like to think of your extended tour as a long business trip; somewhere tropical (AKA HOT) with white sandy beaches (AKA the dessert) and beautiful starry skies! You will obviously be having too much fun to be in constant contact, but looking at it that way I totally understand! Tennessee has quickly become my home lending so easily comfort and support in these first important hours where Joshua and I are adjusting to life without you Josh! Being just one of the gang seems effortless, Joshua has found PawPaw to be a slightly aged, slightly whiskered version of you! Looking at him with boyish curiosity as if to say "You remind me of someone!" He bounces off his chest the way he does with you! 

He's playful, and spirited slobbering all over the girls, biting Ryann's shoulders, smacking Jackie in the face, and kicking Justin in the balls! He hasn't had any problems adjusting! lol He and Rebbecca have been trading toys too, lol Seeing her cruise around in his walker is HILARIOUS! The baby has really become an expert with his crawling since being on hardwood is like an advanced training course for 8 month olds! It took a day or two of running in place so to speak, but that was just good fun for the rest of us! Lol
Hey Josh, it's Jackie, We were at Target yesterday and Joshua was already checking out "chicks". He is his father's son. HaHa By the way, Jessica and your dad are having a farting contest to see who can fart the most (Jessica is winning!!!) Jess and Joshua are settling in nicely. The weather is awesome!!! Hope everything is going well. Love you and miss you. Keep your head down.
It is true! Except he doesn't have that cool exterior yet, he just lunged out of the buggie screaming and slobbering, I guess he saw something he liked! lol Of course she was a hott little BLONDE like father like son! It was the cutest thing though! I heard him clear across the store and came running to find out he was fine, just a little girl crazy! He got a new walker that day, and there's plenty of room to grow in it, he also got the CoOlEsT baby food pouches, that can be very handy when we're on the go! Just watch out for mango! Or in Joshua's case mane-gotta-go! What a nightmare! lol He made a full load of laundry out of several outfits! There is soo much more to tell, pictures to post, and videos too! Joshua and I are pretty tuckered out but keep reading sweetie, there's alot more coming your way tomorrow!

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